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Florida Chapter of the IAAO

Exemptions Steering Committee
The Exemption Steering Committee's role is to provide a networking opportunity. The committee facilitates the understanding of Florida Statutes, Florida Administrative Code, Attorney General Opinions, and Case Law relating to exemptions, and provides a forum where Property Appraiser employees can ask questions, share ideas, and offer suggestions in order to administer exemptions law through the authority of their respective Property Appraiser.
Nekisha Smith, CFE
Director of Customer Service & Exemptions
Nassau County
Tran Maddox
Exemptions Manager
Palm Beach County
Alison Martin, CFE
Exemptions Manager
Osceola County
​Angela Paulauskas, CFE
Appraisal Consultant II
Alachua County
Alex Luca, CFE
Staff Council
Pinellas County
Trish Oliver, CFE
Public Service and Exemptions Assistant Manager
Sarasota County
Veronica Jarman, CFE
Exemptions Specialist
Nassau County
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